Alif laila full serial download hindi

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People especially children love to read the stories of ‘Alif Laila’ or’ Arobbo Rajoni’ very much because children are very fond of fictitious things. And as these are very popular stories all over the world, the Bengali people should also know this. The Bengali who don’t understand Hindi or English, ‘Bangla Alif Laila’ is very helpful for them. There is also a printed copy of the stories published as ‘Alif Laila’ or ‘Arobbo Rajoni’. Many of us must have remembered Bangla Alif Laila.Alif Laila is not only found as a TV series on DVDs. There is also a Bangla and English version of it. Later, it was telecast on other channels too. The series was first aired on Indian National channel, DD National. There are a number of fictitious stories which are mainly based on mystery, magic, evil power and many more supernatural elements. In English, it was translated as ‘The Arabian Nights’ and in Hindi and Bengali, it was remained ‘Alif Laila’.But it is also known as ‘Arobbo Rajoni’ in Bangla.

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It was translated into different languages. ‘Alif Laila’, the word itself, also means a thousand nights. These stories were mainly on different continents of West and South Asia and they were collected in Arabic named ‘One Thousand and One Nights’. Alif Laila was a very famous TV serial which was based on some stories of Arabic literature.